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Facebook Domain Verification – iOS 14 Update


How to Verify Your Domain with Facebook – iOS 14 Update

Apple’s recent IOS 14 updates has led to many 3rd party applications having to increase their security, especially around how customer data can be collected, and by whom. Facebook was no exception to this update however it was given additional time to allow the users of its ad platform to make the required changes so security of users was protected and secure.

Apple recently announced changes to how websites will be able to track events and conversions through the Facebook pixel. For those advertisers out there who keep a close eye on their ad accounts you will likely have seen in your ‘resource centre’ some new notifications popping up to tell you to make some changes to be ready for IOS 14 updates, similar to the below:

These notifications have been there for many months now, only recently have advertisers started to lose access to tracking and features if they have not taken action. Some of these include conversion tracking stopping and campaigns that rely on the Facebook pixel including catalogue and Instagram shopping ads.

One of the biggest tasks advertisers need to tick off their list is ‘Domain Verification’. This basically helps Facebook (and Apple) have more security about who is able to track user activity on a specific domain or website.



Step 1.

Now how do I get my Facebook domain verified? It’s actually quite straight forward and there are multiple ways to get verified.

First step is to go to Facebook Business Manager > Brand Safety > Domains 

Once you navigate to the list of domains you can verify, select your Domain which will then give you 3 verification options.

Step 2.

You can implement your Facebook Domain Verification in the following ways:

  • Meta-tag Verification
  • HTML File Upload
  • DNS Verification

You only need to implement one of these. If you are able to make changes to your DNS records that can be a quick way to implement, however not all businesses will be able to easily or quickly do this, that is where your local web developer can add meta tag or HTML file uploads instead.

Step 3.

Once the verification code is placed on the website you will have a notification appear under your domain that shows ‘verified’. This typically happens straight away once code is added but may take up to 24hrs. Once verified you will have some additional options to share domain access with partners and other Facebook assets.

Hopefully your domain is now verified and your campaigns are all back and running. If you have agencies or other 3rd parties running campaigns for your business, you will need to assign domain access to them so they can utilise pixel data in their campaigns. So don’t forget to share this with the appropriate parties!

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