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How to Incorporate Video into Your Marketing (Even If You’re Camera Shy!)


It is no secret that audiences are favouring video content at an increasing rate. As a result, social media platforms are actually favouring content creators and brands posting this medium within their algorithm, offering considerably more real estate on search feeds. While you shouldn’t simply abandon other forms of digital marketing, such as email marketing, blogging, and even still images, there is definitely a need to adopt more video production into your ongoing campaigns.

But how? And what if you and your team are a little camera shy?

In this article, we will explore how you can incorporate a robust video strategy into your wider digital marketing.


Why is Video So Crucial?

Research has proven viewers retain 95% of a message when consumed via video, but only 10% when it is read. Without getting too technical into our base psychology, this is largely due to video being more easily consumed, faster, and also a great medium for storytelling in an authentic way. Audiences feel more encouraged to connect and communicate with brands, as videos are wonderful to show a ‘human’ side behind your wider organisation.

As a result, including videos in your ads or on landing pages can help boost conversion rates by 80%, as 55% of consumers actually admit to factoring in videos when making purchasing decisions. What’s more, when you are looking to boost brand awareness, videos are being shared at a higher rate on social media, as much as 20 times on LinkedIn.

Moving into 2022, we only expect this trend to continue!


How to Create Video Content Without Being On Camera

Not everyone loves the spotlight thrust onto them before a screen, and when it comes to your business, you don’t want to risk your advertising on someone who isn’t comfortable in front of a camera. If you are feeling a bit stressed reading the importance of video production, there’s no need to stress, as there are a variety of different methods to create video content without placing yourself in the medium. Instead, build your brand around:

  • Screen shares: Does your business offer a service that you could demonstrate via screen share? This can be an incredibly valuable tool that offers both free value to your audience, demonstrating your authority within an industry, but also draws focus away from you personally and onto your work. Jump online now and you will find many people doing this with platforms like Microsoft Excel and even setting up marketing campaigns.


  • Behind the scenes: Given the growing trend of consumers auditing and investigating a brand before working with them, behind the scenes reels and videos can provide valuable insight into how you do what you do. Whether it is working on a client project, the creation of products, or simply tours around your facilities, this again provides a human, real-life element behind your brand.


  • Animation: Thankfully, we live in a future where you do not have to be a professional animator to produce remarkable, animated videos for your brand. There is a variety of software now available where you can animate yourself or simple scenarios to explain your points of view and announcements.


Why It’s Important to Have a Human Face to Your Videos

As we have mentioned, it is important to provide a human connection with your audiences via video, so showing a human face will likely be one of the most powerful things you can do with your marketing. Either try to get more comfortable appearing in at least a handle full of videos yourself, or find people within or associated with your brand to take up the role.

Grow Your Brand with Expert Video Production from the Team at Clearwater

Still feel like you need assistance in generating the right videos for your brand? Our professional team at Clearwater can assist in producing tailored, branded video campaigns that build a more engaging and rewarding social media and digital marketing campaign. To learn more on how we can help, contact us and take advantage of a free strategy session with one of our specialists today.

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